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第一条 适用范围

1.1 欧陆检测技术服务(上海)有限公司、欧陆检测技术(深圳)有限公司、欧陆现代技术服务(东莞)有限公司、欧陆商品检测(上海)有限公司青岛分公司、欧陆商品检测(上海)有限公司、欧陆检测技术服务(常州)有限公司、欧陆检测技术服务(杭州)有限公司或其任何分公司、子公司(以下统称为"欧陆")所接受的订单,包括以电话方式作出订单但尚未书面确认以及以送达样品方式作出的订单,均受本通用条款(以下简称为"本条款")的约束。附有本条款的合同自欧陆接受订单时起生效。有以下情况之一的,视为欧陆接受了订单:(1)欧陆开始履行订单的内容,此种情况无须欧陆的书面确认;(2)欧陆以书面形式接受订单。

1.2 本条款取代欧陆与客户(以下简称为"双方")之间先前以口头或书面形式订立的所有报价单和协议。除非双方另有约定,否则本条款优先于所有在此之后双方订立的与本条款相冲突或不一致的书面协议中的条款。欧陆的管理人员层(除欧陆的执行董事或总经理以外)、员工、代理人或分包商均无权变更或放弃本条款中的任一条款,或作出与本条款中的任一条款相冲突或作出意图推翻本条款中的任一条款的任何陈述。除非经欧陆的执行董事或总经理书面同意并签字,否则欧陆均不受上述变更、放弃或陈述的约束。

第二条 订单的确认

2.1 客户的订单只有在以附有客户信头的邮件、传真或其他电子讯息的方式发送,或使用欧陆认可的测试申请样板发运单或电子订货单的方式发送的情况下方为有效。就本条款对于订单中所涉的商业条款未进行特别约定的内容(包括价格、预计的周转期和交货期),须在订接单中时予以约定。客户须在以电话方式作出订单后立即以书面形式向欧陆确认,并且当客户根据欧陆供客户参考的报价向欧陆发送样品时附上客户自身信息的,将被视为客户已向欧陆下达出具订单。除非该订单是清晰、明确的,并且包含了所有必需的信息,否则欧陆没有义务开始进行任何实际工作(包括但不限于分析、测试、检验等)。

2.2 除非经欧陆的执行董事或总经理书面同意并签字,否则客户在任何时候建议或提出的任何与本条款不符的条款(包括但不限于客户在订单、指示或其他文件中建议或提出的条款)将会因被视为是对本条款的实质性变更而被拒绝并且无效。此外,在先前的订单中约定的特殊条款,包括特殊的价格条款,将不能自动地适用于以后的订单。欧陆接受的每一份订单将被视为是欧陆与客户之间一份独立的合同。

2.3 对于已送入实验室的样品提出附加额外服务的要求的,将被视为一个新的订单,欧陆将根据报价单另行收费,预计的出报告日交货期也可能被相应地予以延迟。

2.4 对于实验室外的任何样品揽收或采样服务等物流服务费用需由客户全额支付,除非客户在揽收服务前的48 小时前,采样服务的96 小时前,及评审服务的一周前取消或变更服务。所有分析服务均需由客户全额支付,除非客户在揽收样品前取消或变更服务。

第三条 价格及付款方式

3.1 除非订单中另有特别约定,否则欧陆的价格只适用"出厂价",不包括须另行支付的包装费。任何额外的费用或支出(例如,欧陆用于发生的与订单有关的费用和支出)均须由客户支付。

3.2 欧陆的报出的价格包含所有相关税费。

3.3 除非欧陆在接受订单时有特别约定,否则所有发票上所载明的金额须在自发票开票之日起三十(30)日内全部付清。任何与发票有关的争议须在自发票开票之日起三十(30)日内提出。对结果的质疑(包括但不限于分析、测试、检验货等的结果)将不赋予客户延迟付款的权利。对于任何在到期付款日仍尚未支付的发票金额,欧陆有权额外向客户收取人民币五百(人民币500.00)元的管理费用作为惩滞纳金罚,且有权每月按照尚拖欠金额的百分之一点五(1.5%)的利率或相关法律所允许的最高利率向客户收取利息,择其低者。

3.4 发票可通过支票、银行汇款或直接付款的方式结算。任何其他付款方式须事先经欧陆的书面同意。客户负责提供银行账户的资料。

3.5 欧陆有权要求以收到客户支付的报价单上所载明的100%的款项作为开始从事订单项下工作的先决条件。

第四条 客户提供样品或材料的义务

4.1 样品或材料必须处于合适的待测状况,为出具报告/进行分析/报告出具或订购产品的生产检测审验过程能顺利进行而做好准备。在进行检测,起草报告,或实际操作之处理样品、起草报告或在生产中使用样品或材料之前,欧陆有权通过对样品或材料进行初步检测来检查其状况。若客户提供的样品或材料与本4.1 条款的要求不符,则客户应承担上述初步检测的费用。若根据初步检测的结果得知,对该样品或材料的分析检测或生产是不可能进行的,或只能在比最初预期更加困难的条件下进行,例如,如该样品或材料已被混入了客户没有被客户事先告知报告的或次等的外来异质材料或物质,或已被降解,对此,欧陆有权终止或中断该订单的履行,且客户应承担欧陆因此而发生的费用及开支。

4.2 客户须确保且特此保证,其所提供的样品在样品放置地、运输中、实验室里或其他地方均不会对欧陆的楼宇经营场所、仪器、全体工作人员或代表造成任何危害。客户有责任确保符合有关有害废弃物的规定,包括有关信息、运输和处置理方面的规定,并且有责任告知欧陆全体工作人员或代表有关该样品对健康和安全的隐患,包括告知任何已知或疑似有毒的或其他可能出现在样品中的污染物、可能的污染程度以及该污染可能对欧陆的经营场所、仪器、全体工作人员或代表造成的危害。客户有义务赔偿欧陆或其全体工作人员或代表在样品所在地、运输途中或实验室里所遭受的因客户的样品或样品所在地的环境条件引起的经济损失、损害、债务、伤害。客户应承担由于因适当处置理由样品引发的有害废弃物而发生的所有额外成本,而无论其是否被描述认定为有害废弃物。根据欧陆的要求,客户须向欧陆提供样品的确切构成或成份。

第五条 样品材料的所有权、样品的储存和知识产权

5.1 欧陆将取得为了完成订单而必需的拥有样品的所有权。除非由客户支付存储费,否则欧陆没有义务或责任存储已被送到欧陆的样品,包括须冷藏的样品。若客户支付存储费,欧陆将根据专职业惯例,采取商业上合理的措施来存储样品。

5.2 欧陆可以在分析、测试、检验等完成后立即处置或销毁坏样品,但欧陆和客户对样品的保留另有书面约定的除外。欧陆也可以在约定的保留期届满后处置或销毁坏样品,而无须再通知客户。为符合任何相关规定(例如,有关有害废弃物处理的规定)而发生的额外费用须由客户承担。若客户要求返还不需要的样品或材料,欧陆将其返还给客户而发生的所有费用和风险由客户承担。

5.3 欧陆的名称、服务标记、商标和版权,包括"欧陆检测技术服务(上海)有限公司、欧陆检测技术(深圳)有限公司、欧陆现代技术服务(东莞)有限公司、欧陆商品检测(上海)有限公司青岛分公司、欧陆商品检测(上海)有限公司、欧陆检测技术服务(常州)有限公司、欧陆检测技术服务(杭州)有限公司"名称的所有权,均应是并且持续是欧陆单独拥有的资产,除非经欧陆事先书面同意并且仅以欧陆规定的方式,否则客户不得使用。客户不得对上述标记及商标的有效性提出质疑或采取任何可能损害欧陆的商标、形象或声誉的价值或信誉的行动。

第六条 交货期及周转期

6.1 交货期和周转期是预计的,不构成欧陆的承诺。但尽管如此,欧陆应会尽商业上合理的努力如期完成。

6.2 分析完成后,欧陆应立即将结果以电子邮件和/或平信或其他双方约定的电子方式送达至客户在订单中指定的人员。

第七条 所有权转移

7.1 欧陆提供给客户的任何分析结果、产品、设备、软件或诸如此类的所有权将继续由欧陆持有,直至客户已全额付清了所有发票金额,且在上述发票金额未全部付清之前,客户没有所有权或其他权利来使用它们。此外,即使欧陆已接受且开始履行订单,但若客户延迟支付欧陆根据该订单或任何其他订单应收的任何到期款项,则欧陆有权在任何时候停止履行该订单和停止为客户所做的任何工作。

7.2 即使客户已支付了全额款项,但欧陆仍有权以无法识别客户的匿名方式储存、使用和发表所有分析结果。

第八条 有限的担保和责任

8.1 订单的处理是视根据欧陆现有的技术、成熟的以及其研发的方法和其通常运用的技术和方法的情况而定的,且结果并不总是100%精确或和/或相差无几的适用。分析、解释、评估、咨询工作和结论的提供将会尽到商业上合理的谨慎义务,但欧陆不能保证上述分析、解释、评估、咨询工作和结论总是正确的或绝对的。若订单中无特别约定,则该有限的担保期限将自收到样品送达至客户后的六(6)个月届满。在任何情况下,若客户希望在重要事务上依赖于欧陆提供的服务,客户必须独立地核实欧陆所提供的任何结果、解释、评估和结论的有效性,并且由客户自行承担风险。

8.2 每份测试/分析报告是专属于欧陆所分析的该份样品的。若由于欧陆没有收到客户明确的指示及对,且客户没有就样品抽样方案的限规定(包括样品对应的原材料和成品,以及以什么频率来进行分析)和就将要实施的、对精确的分析的精准度范围要求范围的限定进行支付的,或由于客户没有听取欧陆的建议,导致抽样方案和/或将要实施进行的分析的范围被证明是不充分或不适当的,欧陆将不承担任何责任。

8.3 客户需负责向欧陆妥善送达需检测/分析的样品或生产的材料。除非经欧陆书面同意,否则欧陆不承担任何样品在运输途中发生的损失或毁坏,以及对任何设备或物流服务提供的场地所遭受的损失或毁坏。客户在任何时候均应对其发出的样品或材料的安全、包装和保险承担责任,直至将上述样品或材料送达到欧陆的办公室或实验室。欧陆将尽商业上合理的关注意义务来处理和存储样品,但即使上述样品或材料已送达到欧陆的办公室或实验室,欧陆也不对上述样品或材料的任何损失或毁坏承担责任。

8.4 客户向欧陆保证并且指出,所有送到欧陆进行分析、测试、检验等的样品均处于安全的、稳定的状况。客户向欧陆承诺,若因样品不安全、不稳定而导致欧陆或欧陆的全体工作人员工或代表遭受任何损失、伤害、索赔和费用的,客户将对此承担损害赔偿责任,尽管客户已对样品的情况向欧陆发出过指示或已在订单中提出样品存在的问题。若样品是存在危险的或具有危险性质的,客户须在每次出货前以书面形式通知欧陆,并对包装、样品和/或集装箱进行适当地标注。

8.5 除非双方另有明确的书面约定,否则合同关系仅限于客户和欧陆之间。第三方不得受益或对任何订单有附带保证。客户应赔偿第三方对客户的索赔并使不让欧陆遭受免受于任何第三方以任何方式向客户欧陆或客户作出因的订单引起损害主张的索赔。时所引起的损害。

8.6 测试/分析报告中所陈述的欧陆的调查结果仅针对相应的测试/分析试样。除非在测试/分析报告中有特别或明确指出,否则在上述测试/分析报告中所陈述的结果不将作为对质量或对被提取测试/分析试样的整批货物的特性进行的说明。测试/分析报告的内容仅反映欧陆在进行试样测试/分析的当时所得出的调查结果,欧陆没有义务在出具测试/分析报告后对其进行更新。测试/分析报告中将陈述欧陆进行试样测试/分析后所得出的结果,该结果是基于本测试/分析申请表中所述的或附带的提供给欧陆的书面信息所作出的。测试/分析报告将表示双方对测试/分析报告中的主要事项已完全理解,且未经欧陆事先书面同意,不得对其进行变更、曲解、推断或推论。

第九条 责任限制

9.1 除根据相关法律规定,此种限制是被禁止或无效的以外:(1)欧陆(连同其工人、职员、雇员、代表、经理、官员、董事、代理人、顾问以及欧陆所有的合作伙伴和关联公司,统称为:"欧陆赔偿方")仅对因欧陆赔偿方在履行订单过程中的故意行为所造成的、且经证实的直接损失承担责任,并且客户应当在自知道相关索赔之日起六(6)个月内向欧陆发出书面通知,且相关法律程序要在自欧陆提供服务之日起两(2)年内进行(除非相关法律规定了更长的期限且不能以合同的约定对期限予以限制);(2)在任何情况下(无论是因合同、侵权、过失、严格责任而引起的赔偿或其他索赔),客户在根据本条款对欧陆的服务向欧陆赔偿方提出的每一个索赔主张或一系列相关的索赔主张时,以及客户根据本条款对欧陆的服务采取排他性的救济手段时,欧陆赔偿方的责任均应被限制于下列较低的一个:①因欧陆赔偿方在履行订单过程中的故意行为而造成的直接损失或毁坏,②欧陆根据订单已实际从客户收到的金额的十倍,但最高不超过人民币拾万元(人民币100,000.00 元)。

9.2 欧陆赔偿方对客户或任何第三方遭受的任何间接、直接或附带损失或毁坏(包括但不限于经营亏损、利润、商誉、商机或诸如此类)不承担任何责任。

9.3 欧陆接受订单的条件是客户通过发送订单的方式同意赔偿欧陆赔偿方所遭受的因其执行在本条款内容项下的角色或根据本条款提供服务、产品、软件而引起的或与之相关的任何损失、伤害、索赔及费用,但根据本条款须由欧陆赔偿方承担的除外。

第十条 重新分析/测试


第十一条 不可抗力


第十二条 对客户资料的保密及处理

12.1 欧陆有权留存和处理从客户处以任何方式获取的个人或商业资料,无论上述资料是直接来源于客户或第三方的。欧陆应根据相关法律规定,尽商业上合理的努力对上述资料进行保密。

12.2 欧陆应尽商业上合理的努力对所有分析结果和服务报告进行保密,但欧陆根据本条款第7.2 条的约定行使权利,以及欧陆为了证明其有权收取服务款项而使用上述分析结果和服务报告时,不受此限。

12.3 分析/测试结果仅为客户的使用而准备和提供,且未经欧陆事先书面同意,不得以任何目的向第三方泄露。此外,客户须对欧陆提供的所有服务和服务结果,以及欧陆交付的产品和软件的构成进行保密。未经欧陆事先书面同意,分析/测试结果不得被公开披露或利用。即使获取了欧陆的书面同意,但客户(1)仍须对因将上述结果向第三方披露而发生的任何后果以及该第三方对上述结果的任何信赖承担责任;(2)在此同意保护欧陆赔偿方免受于因上述披露或上述任何第三方的信赖而引发的任何责任。

第十三条 免责声明和其他规定

13.1 与欧陆提供的测试服务、结果、设备、产品或软件的方式、质量和期限相关的所有条款、条件和担保(包括任何对可销售品质或对某特定用途的适用性的默示担保),均在法律允许的范围内,在最大程度上排除欧陆的责任。欧陆在本条款项下的担保、义务和责任是具有排他性的。

13.2 欧陆可以不时地以书面形式修改本条款。欧陆在接受订单时,该订单将受届时有效的、最新版本的通用条款的约束。

13.3 若有法院搁置、限制或使本条款中的任何部分条款无效、不合法、无执行力的,并不影响本条款中对其他条款的最大程度适用本条款中的其他所有条款仍应被尽最大可能的程度去适用。

13.4 无论是欧陆或是客户未能行使本条款项下的权利的,均不构成是对该权利的放弃或丧失。

第十四条 适用法律和管辖

14.1 本条款的解释、效力和履行均受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。

14.2 凡因本条款引起的或与本条款有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。

第十五条 生效与变更

15.1 该条款于2020年11月1日首次颁布,于2024年7月12日更新生效。

第十六条 文字




General Terms and Conditions of Sale

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1.1 All Orders accepted by Eurofins Product Testing Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd; Eurofins Testing Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd; Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Qingdao Branch; Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Dongguan) Co. Ltd; Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Shanghai) Co. Ltd; Eurofins Product Testing Service (Changzhou) Co., Ltd; Eurofins Product Testing Service (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd and any of their subsidiaries or affiliates" (collectively, "ES") will be governed by these General Terms and Conditions of Sales (the "Terms and Conditions"), including orders placed by telephone which have not been confirmed in writing and orders made by delivery of samples. A contract with these Terms and Conditions comes into being when an order that has been placed with ES is accepted by ES. An order placed with ES is considered as accepted by ES when (a) ES proceeds to fulfill that order, without need for any written confirmation from ES or (b) ES accepts the order in writing.

1.2 These Terms and Conditions supersede and replace all prior verbal or written price quotations and agreements between ES and the Customer (collectively, "the parties") and, unlesss pecifically indicated otherwise therein, take precedence over all conflicting or inconsistent provisions of subsequent written agreements between the parties. No officer (other than the Managing Director or General Manager of ES), employee, agent or subcontractor of ES has the authority to alter or waive any of these Terms and Conditions or to make any representation which conflicts with or purports to override any of these Terms and Conditions; and no such alteration, waiver or representation shall be binding upon ES, unless it is in writing and signed by the Managing Director or General Manager of ES.


2.1 A customer's order will be valid only if it is sent by mail or fax or other electronic message on letterhead of the customer or by using ES-approved sample dispatch sheets or electronic order forms and the commercial aspects of the order which are not specifically set out in these Terms and Conditions (including price, estimated turnaround times and delivery date) must be agreed at the time of the order. The customer must confirm in writing orders given by telephone immediately after they are made and will be deemed to have placed an order if the customer sends samples to ES quoting the customer reference. ES is not obligated to start any actual work (including but not limited to analysis, testing, inspection and etc) unless the order is clear and it has been provided all required information.

2.2 Unless specifically accepted in writing and signed by the Managing Director or General Manager of ES, any terms proposed or submitted by a customer at any time (including, but not limited to, terms or provisions in the customer's purchase order, instructions or other document) which differ from these Terms and Conditions are rejected as a material alteration of these Terms and Conditions and shall be of no force or effect. Furthermore, special terms or conditions of prior orders, including special pricing, will not automatically apply to subsequent orders. Each order accepted by ES will be treated as a separate contract between ES and the customer.

2.3 A request for additional services on samples that have entered the laboratory will be treated as a new order which shall be charged in accordance with the quotation of ES and may postpone estimated delivery date accordingly.

2.4 Any logistic service related to the collection of samples or withholding outside of laboratory will have to be paid in total, unless it has been cancelled or modified by the Customer at least 48 hours before in the case of collection, 96 hours before for a withholding, and one week before for an audit. Any Analysis service will have to be paid in total, unless it has been cancelled or modified by the Customer before the collection of the samples.


3.1 If the acknowledgment of an order does not state otherwise, ES' prices apply "ex works" only, excluding packaging, which is charged separately. Any additional cost or disbursement (e.g. incurred by ES in connection with the order) must be paid by the customer.

3.2. The prices quoted include all applicable taxes.

3.3 Unless specifically agreed otherwise by ES in its acceptance of an order, payment of all invoices is due strictly within 30 days of the invoice date. Any dispute about invoices must be raised within 30 days of the invoice date. The challenge of a result (including but not limited to the result of analysis, testing, inspection and etc.) will not entitle a customer to defer payment.

Any invoice which remains outstanding after due date, may be additionally charged with an administrative penalty of five hundred RMB (RMB 500) and may carry interest at the rate of one point five percent (1.5%) per month or the maximum interest rate permitted by the applicable laws, whichever is lower.

3.4 The invoice settlement method is check, bank transfer or direct debit. Any other method of payment must receive prior agreement from ES. The customer undertakes to provide bank account details.

3.5 ES is entitled to require the receipt of a payment of up to 100% of the quoted order price from the customer as a precondition to start processing the order.


4.1 The samples or materials must be in a condition that makes the preparation of reports/analyses or the production of ordered products possible without difficulty. ES is entitled to conduct an initial examination of the samples or materials to check their condition before processing the samples, drawing up a report or using them in production. The customer shall bear the costs of this initial examination, if the samples or materials do not comply with the requirements described in this clause 4.1. If the result of the initial examination is that an analysis or production is impossible or is possible only under more difficult conditions than originally anticipated - for example, because the samples or materials have been interspersed with foreign materials or substances that were not reported by the customer or are degraded - ES shall be entitled to terminate or interrupt the order and the customer shall bear costs incurred by ES to that point.

4.2 The customer must ensure, and hereby warrants, that no sample poses any danger, including on its site, during transportation, in the laboratory or otherwise to ES premises, instruments, personnel or representatives. It is the customer's responsibility to insure compliance with hazardous waste regulations, including regarding information, transportation and disposal and to inform ES personnel or representatives about sample health and safety concerns, including any known or suspected toxic or other contaminant that may be present in the sample and its likely level of contamination as well as the risks to ES premises, instruments, personnel and representatives related to the contamination. The customer shall be responsible for, and indemnifies ES against, all costs, damages, liabilities and injuries that may be caused to or incurred by ES or its personnel or representatives including on the sampling site, during the transportation or in the laboratory by the customer's sample or by sampling site conditions. The customer shall bear all extraordinary costs for adequate disposal of hazardous waste resulting from the sample, whether or not described as hazardous waste. At ES' request, the customer must provide ES with the exact composition of the samples.


5.1 All samples become the property of ES to the extent necessary for the performance of the order. Unless the customer pays for storage, ES shall have no obligation or liability for samples sent to ES for storage, including samples requiring refrigeration. If the customer pays for storage, ES will take commercially reasonable steps to store the samples, according to professional practice.

5.2 ES can dispose of or destroy samples immediately after the analysis, testing, inspection and etc. has been performed, unless ES and the customer have agreed in writing on the terms of ES' retention of the sample. ES also can dispose of or destroy the samples after the agreed upon retention period, without further notice and at customer's cost, should an extra cost for ES arise to comply with any regulation (for example, with respect to disposal of hazardous waste). If the customer requests the return of unneeded sample material, ES will return them to the customer, at the customer's cost and risk.

5.3 The names, service marks, trademarks and copyrights of ES, including the name Eurofins Product Testing Service (Shanghai) Co. Ltd; Eurofins Testing Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd; Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Qingdao Branch; Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Dongguan) Co. Ltd; Eurofins MTS Consumer Product Testing (Shanghai) Co. Ltd; Eurofins Product Testing Service (Changzhou) Co., Ltd;Eurofins Product Testing Service (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd is and shall remain the sole property of ES and shall not be used by the customer except solely to the extent that the customer obtains the prior written approval of ES and then only in the manner prescribed by ES. The customer shall not contest the validity of the marks or take any action that might impair the value or goodwill associated with the marks or the image or reputation of ES.


6.1 Delivery dates and turnaround times are estimates and do not constitute a commitment by ES.

Nevertheless, ES shall make commercially reasonable efforts to meet its estimated deadlines.

6.2 Results are generally sent by email and/or by regular mail service, or via other electronic means as agreed by the parties, to the attention of the persons indicated by the customer in the order, promptly after the analysis is completed.


7.1 Title in any analysis results, products, equipment, software or similar supplied by ES to the customer will remain with ES until all invoices in respect thereof have been paid by the customer in full, and until such full payment, the customer shall have no property rights or other rights to use them. In addition, even if ES has accepted and begun to fulfill an order, ES has the right at any time stop processing that order and to stop doing any work for a customer if that customer is late in paying any amount due to ES, whether for that or any other order.

7.2 Even after payment in full by the customer, ES shall retain the right to store, use and publish all analysis results in an anonymous form which does not identify the customer.


8.1 Orders are handled in the conditions available to ES in accordance with the current state of technology and methods developed and generally applied by ES and the results may not always be 100% exact and/ or relevant. Analyses, interpretations, assessments, consulting work and conclusions are prepared with a commercially reasonable degree of care but ES cannot guarantee that these will always be correct or absolute. This limited warranty expires six months after the delivery date of the samples, if the acknowledgement of the order does not specifically state otherwise. In all cases, the customer must independently verify the validity of any results, interpretations, assessments and conclusions supplied by ES, if it wishes to rely on the same in respect of matters of importance and shall do so at its own risk.

8.2 Each testing/analytical report relates exclusively to the sample analyzed by ES. If ES has not expressly been mandated and paid for the definition of the sampling plan (including which samples of which raw materials and finished products and at which frequency should be analyzed) and the definition of the precise range of analysis to be performed or if the customer has not followed ES recommendations, ES shall not bear any responsibility if the sampling plan and/or the range of analysis to be performed prove to be insufficient or inappropriate.

8.3 The customer is responsible for the proper delivery of samples sent to ES for examination/analyses or materials sent for production. Unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing by ES, ES accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage, which may occur to any sample in transit or to any facility or site where logistics services are being delivered. The customer will at all times be liable for the security, packaging and insurance of the samples or materials from its dispatch until it is delivered to the offices or the laboratories of ES. ES will use commercially reasonable care in handling and storing samples, but ES shall not be held responsible for any loss or destruction of samples or materials even after their receipt at its offices or the laboratories.

8.4 The customer warrants and represents to ES that all samples sent to ES for analysis, testing, inspection and etc. are safe and in a stable condition and undertakes to indemnify ES for any losses, injuries, claims and costs which ES, or its personnel or representatives, may suffer as a result of any sample not being in a safe or stable condition, notwithstanding that the customer may have given an indication on the sample or any order form of any perceived problem with the sample. The customer must always inform ES in writing prior to shipment and label the packaging, samples and/ or containers appropriately, if the samples are dangerous or otherwise of a hazardous nature.

8.5 Unless explicitly agreed in writing by the parties, the contractual relationship shall be exclusively between the customer and ES. There shall be no third party beneficiary or collateral warranty relating to any order and the customer shall indemnify and hold ES harmless from and against any and all third party claims in any way relating to the customer or to the order by the customer.

8.6 The test/analytical report will set forth the findings of ES solely with respect to the test/analytical samples identified therein and unless specifically or and expressly indicated in the test/analytical report, the results set forth in such test/analytical report will not be indicative or representative of the quality, or characteristics of the lot from which a test/analytical sample will be taken. The test/analytical report will reflect the findings of ES at the time of analyzing/testing only, and ES shall have no obligation to update the test/analytical report after its issuance. The test/analytical report will set forth the results of the tests/analysis performed by ES based upon the written information provided to ES as set forth in, or attached to, this test/analysis request form. The test/analytical report will represent the entire understanding of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of the test/analytical report and no modification, variance, extrapolation or conclusion with respect thereto shall be permitted without the prior written consent of ES.


9.1 Except to the extent that such limitations are not permitted or void under applicable law: (a) ES (together with its workers, office clerks, employees, representatives, managers, officers, directors, agents and consultants and all ES partners and affiliates, the "ES Indemnifying Parties") shall be liable only for the proven direct and immediate damage caused by the ES Indemnifying Party's willful misconduct in connection with the performance of an order and then, only if ES has received written notice thereof not later than six (6) months after the date of the customer's knowledge of the relevant claim and the process of law served no later than two (2) years from the provision of the service by ES (unless any longer period is prescribed under applicable law and cannot be contractually limited), and (b) in all cases (whether arising under contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, through indemnification or otherwise), the ES Indemnifying Parties' liability per claim or series of related claims, and the customer's exclusive remedy, with respect to ES' services which fall under these Terms and Conditions, shall be limited to the lesser of: (i) the direct and immediate loss or damage caused by the ES Indemnifying Party's willful misconduct in connection with the performance of the order and (ii) ten times the amount ES actually received from the customer in relation to the order up to one hundred thousand RMB (RMB 100,000).

9.2 The ES Indemnifying Parties shall not be liable for any indirect, direct or consequential loss or damage (including, but not limited to, loss of business, profits, goodwill, and business opportunities or similar) incurred by the customer or by any third party.

9.3 It is a condition of ES' acceptance of an order that the customer indemnifies the ES Indemnifying Parties for any losses, injuries, claims and costs which the ES Indemnifying Parties may suffer as a result of arising from or in any way connected with its role under or services or products or software provided pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, except to the extent that the ES Indemnifying Parties are required to bear them according to these Terms and Conditions, and by placing an order the customer agrees to provide that indemnification.


Objections to analytical/test results can be made within thirty (30) days after the customer receives the results. However, unless it would appear that the results of the repeated analysis/test do not match those of the first one, the customer shall bear the costs of the repeat analysis, testing or review. Furthermore, a repeated analysis/test will be possible only if ES has a sufficient amount of the original sample on hand when it receives the customer's objection. Otherwise the customer will be required to pay all costs, including sampling, transportation, testing, analytical and disposal costs for the repeat analysis/test.


ES cannot be held liable for delays, errors, damages or other problems caused by events or circumstances which are unforeseen or beyond ES' reasonable control, or which result from compliance with governmental requests, laws and regulations.


12.1 ES shall be entitled to save and process personal or commercial data received from the customer in any way, no matter whether such data stem from the customer directly or from a third party and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to keep such data confidential, in compliance with applicable law.

12.2 ES shall use commercially reasonable efforts to keep all analysis results and service reports confidential, subject to ES' rights set forth in clause 7.2 and the right to use them in order to demonstrate its entitlement to payment for services rendered.

12.3 Analysis/testing results are prepared and supplied exclusively for the use of the customer and should not be divulged to a third party for any purposes without the prior written agreement of ES. In addition, the customer is required to maintain secrecy concerning all services provided by ES and their results as well as the composition of products and software delivered by ES. Analysis/testing results are not to be publicly disclosed or exploited without the prior written consent of ES. Even if such written consent is given by ES, the customer (a) remains responsible for any consequences due to the divulgence of such results to a third party and any reliance of such third party on such results and (b) hereby agrees to indemnify the ES Indemnified Parties against any liability which the ES Indemnified Parties may incur as a result of such divulgence or any such third party reliance.


13.1 All terms, conditions and warranties (including any implied warranty as to merchantable quality or fitness for a particular purpose) as to the manner, quality and timing of the testing service and results, equipment, products or software supplied by ES are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. The warranties, obligations and liabilities of ES contained in these terms and conditions are exclusive.

13.2 These Terms and Conditions may be modified in writing from time to time by ES and orders will be governed by the most recent version of these Terms and Conditions that is in effect at the time ES accepts the order.

13.3 Should a court waive, limit or hold to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable any part of these Terms and Conditions, all other parts shall still apply to the greatest extent possible.

13.4 Failure by either ES or the customer to exercise the rights under these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver or forfeiture of such rights.


14.1 The construction, validity and performance of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

14.2 Any dispute arising from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon the parties.


These Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be written in English and Chinese version. If there is any inconsistency between English and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

  1. Customer Declaration

16.1 The customer hereby confirms and verifies that: (1) ES has already in detail and thoroughly explained the contents of these Terms and Conditions to his/her Company; (2) the customer reaches these Terms and Conditions with ES through friendly consultations; (3) the customer has fully and sufficiently understood the content of these Terms and Conditions, and the legal consequences that might be arising from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, and we voluntarily comply with and execute these Terms and Conditions.

  1. Effectiveness and alteration

17.1  This clause was first promulgated on November 1, 2020 and renewed and effective from July 12, 2024.